Training Employees Can Be Slow, Awkward and Time-Consuming – So We Made It Easier.
Competency & Training Simplified
The Ultimate Training Solution.
Fully Compliant with ISO Standards
Our software tool is fully compliant with ISO standards, processes and shared objectives.
Mobile and Browser
Our tool is mobile-responsive and works on any device -meaning you can check on your employees training progress at any time, from any place.
Real-Time Visibility Of All Training Records
You can immediately check information on all training activities, in a matter of seconds. No time delay, no excel sheets, no filing cabinets needed.
The SHEQ Competency and Training Module is the simplest, most efficient way to train your workforce in accordance with ISO Standards.
Training Matrix Gives A Simple Heads-Up View Of Progress
As you can see on the left, our system follows a simple, shape and colour based system within the dashboard so you can see in seconds exactly what an employees status is for a certain course/module.
You can also see, immediately, when the training date was, course due date was, as well as the validity period. No need to go combing through excel sheets, it’s all just there, ready to use.
Versatility Charts Make Evaluation Simple
Versatility charts mean you can very simply evaluate an employees level of competence, and see in seconds which employees are going to require extra training, and in what areas.
This makes flagging the training needed for employees moving across departments extremely straightforward, and it means you will never be caught in a situation where an employee is doing a job for which he is not competent.
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Still not quite sure? Here are some of the immediate benefits (our system has an immediate ROI).
Built-in Security and Traceability
Using the SHEQ system makes it extremely unlikely for training records to get lost, or for an untrained employee to find himself in a situation he isn't prepared for. Because we maintain all records in one system, it's also incredibly easy to trace back exactly who has been trained, what have they been trained in, and when they were trained.
Paperless Solution and Easy-To-Use UI
No more filing cabinets, no more excel spreadsheets - our systems simple visual interface makes keeping on top of training and competence easy. You can view visual training status indicators, set up individual training plans, and individual competency levels in seconds.
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Transform Contractor Onboarding with SHEQ Network’s Online Induction Training Software
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