Managing Contractors is Difficult and Time-Consuming – So We Made It Easier.
Heads-Up Dashboard
Our heads-up dashboard allows for real-time visibility of all of your contractor company’s details (insurance details, safety manual, and risk assessments, licenses etc and their employees (training records, induction training, background checks etc)
Simple Traffic Light System
Our system displays information using a simple traffic light system for speed and ease of use – Green for compliant, Yellow for Close to Expiry, Red for Out of Date – We’ve attempted to make the UI as user friendly as possible.
We offer an outsourced solution (done for you) or you can manage the system yourself
We don’t believe that you should have to pay to manage your contractors – with our pricing model your contractors pay a small fee based on the amount of business they do with you each year.
The mai™ Contractor Portal is complement by a range of tools, such as the induction training system, and the work permit system, integrates with it seamlessly. We've attempted to make the process of managing contractors while maintaining a high standard of compliance and health and safety, completely effortless.
Automation Of Essential Features
We've built our system to allow you to 'outsource your thinking' as much as possible - our system will automatically send our expiry/renewal reminders, and chase the contractors for you - so you can focus on your work, safe in the knowledge that contractor management is being looked after.
Customisable, Automated Reporting
Our reporting system is completely customisable - you can receive reports on a daily, weekly, bi-weekly or even monthly basis. These reports can be as simple or as complex as you would like them to be, and they will be produced and sent to you automatically at the end of each pre-defined reporting period.
What You See – The Dashboard
- Each row represents the status of a single contractor company – you can click on any of them to dig deeper and bring up their individual profiles.
- Easily check the status of key information that YOU decide should be displayed

Circles Of Compliance
- Contractor Company: Do you know if you have ALL the compliance info you need from your contractor companies?
- Contractor Employees: Do you know if your contractors’ employees are employed directly or subcontracted? And are they competent? Fit for work?
- Site Requirements: Have you clearly defined and communicated your site requirements to all contractors? Have they completed site inductions before arriving?
- Registration: Does your registration process prevent non-compliant people getting onto your site?
- Work Permits: The smallest circle yet the most powerful driver of compliance. When a worker arrives to pick up a permit…
No Green = No Permit = No Work.
Can't Wait To Get Started?
We can get you onboarded as soon as you're ready. Click the button below to schedule a call now.
Book a WebinarBenefits
Still not quite sure? Here are some of the immediate benefits (our system has an immediate ROI).
The Cost To You? Nothing. Zero risk.
Clients use this system for practically free – your contractors will pay a small nominal fee, based on the amount of business they do with you each year
Don't wait any longer, take control of your contractors today.
Not sure which product will solve your problem? Speak to a member of our team to get an answer immediately. Even if one of our products won't solve your problem, we will happily point you in the direction of one that does.